Frequently Asked Questions

1. Access, Security, privacy and mobility

All user data is hosted in a dedicated Linux cloud operated by Linode in a world class data centre. All user data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. Also user data is backed up real time for additional safety. We harden our Linux servers and use proven tools with strong security considerations to build our application.

Also only 2 people have access to the production server (the Project lead and a Senior tech staff) and even they do not have visibility into the user data as we have strict policies preventing them from accessing the same.

To know more read our Privacy policy. Still have a question? Then get in touch with us.

Yes. Even the name was meant to convey that. So, from the very beginning we kept responsive design as a requirement to make this accessible across all devices. You can therefore access this through a browser from any device be it a desktop, laptop, Tablet device or mobile phone.

We have plans to release dedicated phone app (for both Android and Iphone) and also a downloadable app for Windows and Mac.

Yes. For now you can access this through a browser like how you access any other website. You can bookmark it so that you don’t have to enter the url each time or create a short cut so that you can access this app with a single click.

Plans are there for releasing a dedicated phone app and Windows/Mac app in future.

Yes. You need an internet connection. This is a cloud based app and your data is stored and backed up in real time on a dedicated cloud server. This is what makes it accessible anytime, anywhere across devices.

Don’t worry. We respect the privacy of users and we will never give these email addresses to any third parties. We only use it for our communications with you.

2. General questions

It’s very simple and quick. Just register with your email id and we will provide a password to create your free account. Then verify your mail id. Once done, login with your email id, password and start using the App.

As we are in the beta phase now, it is possible that some users may face some issues that remain undetected by the testing team, despite the extensive testing already done. If you face any issue while using the app, please report it through the feedback section. We take all user issues very seriously and will strive to fix them as quickly as feasible.

Nope. It’s free for now.

But as user requirements grow and we commit more development time into improving this product, there will be significant investments to be made. To be a sustainable model we will need a revenue model in place. In future we will possibly have a ‘pro’ version charging a small fee for those seeking to use that version. There will always be a free version alongside and for users satisfied with that version, it will always be free.

None as of now. All early users have full and free access to the complete product features without limitations. However file storage space is limited to 2GB/user.

No. It is not there as of now. Those features are planned to be released in the next phase. If you like this feature to be introduced, please indicate in Feedback section or upvote this request made by others by liking it.

3. Common problems

There could be number of reasons for this.

  • Failing to verify your mail id:Please make sure that you have verified your email id. When you created the account, you should have received an email from us. In that email we would have asked you to click on a link. Only after that your email is validated and your login will work. If you have not received that email in your Inbox, please check your spam folder. Or try registering again with another valid email id.
  • Using wrong email id to login: Make sure you are using the same email id that you used for registering the account. Surprisingly many users mix up the mail ids.
  • Using incorrect password: Make sure you are logging in with the correct password. If you don’t remember your password or if you are in doubt, click on ‘Forgot my password’ in the login page.

Click on forgot password from the login page. Provide the email id you registered with. You will then receive an email with instructions to reset the password.

Login to your account. After login click on the hamburger menu on the left top corner to open More options. The click on Settings and then Account. Here you will find an option to Delete your account. Click on that link and follow the instructions. This will delete your account and all the data inside that account. This feature is not available yet. We will include this in our future updates.

Well, we have not thought about it as yet. But we will consider including this in our future updates.

4. Using the web app

Yes. We chose a card style interface and we worked hard to make it look aesthetically appealing by using Google’s material design principles. All your goals, tasks and events are displayed as distinctly styled cards. We consciously chose this style at the early stage of design as it is intuitive and also makes it easy to use across multi touch devices using drag and drop.

There are no limits to the number of cards you can create for your goals, tasks or events.However it will be prudent to not abuse the system and limit it to what you actually wish to use.

We want you to focus on tasks that help achieve your goals. So by consciously aligning your tasks & events to goals, you can see the connection and take a call if your efforts are being put in the direction of your goals or elsewhere. Tasks and events are linked to goals, simply by dragging them to the goal cards.

That’s ok. There is no compulsion. Often there will be a need to work on independent tasks and events that are not connected with your goals. But the more time you spend on unrelated tasks, you will stray away from your goal achievement. The whole idea is to give you that perspective so that you know how much time is being invested in activities that are related to your goals versus those that are unrelated to your goals.

You can follow any principle or any methodology that helps. The App is not aligned to any specific methodology, but it can adapt itself to any methodology you choose. We have provided lot of flexibility right from deciding how you label the categories, how logically group the cards in those categories, how you tag them to make it context relevant and so on. Ultimately you can use this in any way that best suits you without being restricted by any specific methodology.

Yes. You can drag and drop the cards within a column or across columns. All internal parameters of the card automatically change to the new place where the card is dropped. So if you move across category, then the category label for that card automatically changes. Same if you move across dates. You can even drag and move an entire column. Use it imaginatively.

Yes. You can add additional notes to your goals, tasks and events. Additionally you can also capture random thoughts on sticky notes placed in the Quick capture tab.

Yes. You can create additional sub tasks within a task. However use this prudently as having a long sub task list will delay the accomplishment of the main task. In such cases, break down the main task into multiple tasks.

In some places we have consciously disallowed drag & drop as it creates conflicts with another underlying function. But don’t fret. Anything you can do by drag & drop can be accomplished through the extended card panel with just a click.

Yes, you can create recurring tasks and events.

We automatically bring forward your unfinished tasks to Today and show it as overdue. Showing it in a back date causes confusion and it becomes hard to get a feel for all the outstanding tasks.

As we have integrated both drag & drop and touch gestures across devices, sometimes it is easy to scroll through a horizontal panel with a touch gesture and in such cases the horizontal scroll is inevitable. This is done to enhance the experience and not degrade it.

Yes. You can attach image files, audio files, word documents, pdf documents etc. to your cards. You do this by clicking on the card which then opens an extended card panel. Here you will see a link for attaching documents.

For now you can attach documents from your local system. In future you can attach documents linked to your Google Drive or Drop box.

This feature is not available yet. But it is definitely in our plan as part of future enhancements.